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Muslim Pocket

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3 reviews
47 k downloads

A useful guide that notifies you of important Muslim dates

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Muslim Pocket is a very practical app that provides users with useful information regarding the Muslim calendar. With it, you'll see a schedule of prayer times, as well as the Quran, a Quibla locator, and more.

Using Muslim Pocket is very intuitive. This is possibly the best way to organize the most important dates and keep up to date at all times. For example, it notifies you of prayer times based on your location and sends notifications for prayer calls thanks to the Azan. Other interesting features include notifications for fasts (Imsak and Ifta) during the Ramadan season, recitations, phonetics and translations of the Holy Quran, as well as Tajweed in various colors to help you when reading the aforementioned Quran.

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What's more, Muslim Pocket also provides you with maps of Halal restaurants and nearby places where you can find mosques. Also, thanks to the compass and animated maps of Qibla, you can figure out the exact direction of Mecca.

Muslim Pocket is a very interesting app thanks to which you can keep up with Muslim news on a daily basis.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 7.0 or higher required

Information about Muslim Pocket 2.1.1

Package Name com.muslim.prayertimes.qibla.app
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
71 more
Author Muslim Prayer Helper
Downloads 47,003
Date Apr 17, 2024
Content Rating All ages
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 2.1.0 Android + 7.0 Jan 19, 2024
apk 2.0.9 Android + 7.0 Jan 5, 2024
apk 2.0.8 Android + 7.0 Jan 5, 2024
apk 2.0.7 Android + 7.0 Dec 20, 2023
apk 2.0.6 Android + 7.0 Jan 1, 2024
apk 2.0.5 Android + 7.0 Dec 15, 2023

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3 reviews


modernredjackal24822 icon
in 2020

Salam, I wanted to pay the 5 € to become Premium But is it once or monthly? Barakallahufik

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